For our serious game semester project we were tasked with making a game for farmers in South-Africa to show them the influence of their water usage and that of the other stakeholders involved. Our team consisted of 6 members. 
Since our target audience was in South-Africa which wasn't very accessible for us we focused on teaching ourselves about the culture and the stakeholders that are involved in the water usage of South-Africa.
We were able to send out surveys about style usage and color usage to our target audience which became our main lead when making the visuals for the game. We spent about four to five weeks researching the problem and how we could use the game to influence the way the stakeholders thought about their water usage. After which we spent the remaining three weeks designing the game, making assets and finalizing a prototype.
I was one of the two artists of our group. The other artist worked on the interface while I did the backgrounds for the different stakeholders and the characters that would appear. All group members were involved in researching and designing the game mechanics and dynamics.
Made by: Anouk Janssen, Mabel Haalboom, Aileen van de Wetering, Bram Janssen, Eva van der Monde & Britt Wenting.
Background art
Game design document
Character art
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